NYC Personal Trainers and Keeping Resolutions

by glenn on February 25, 2017

Services NYC Personal Trainers Provide to Help Keep Your Resolutions

Personal trainers have many ways they can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions to get into better shape, lose weight or increase your endurance. Along with customizing an exercise routine for you, they can show you where to cut calories in your diet, recommend supplements to maintain your energy and motivate you to keep up with an exercise regimen.

Designing Exercise Routine

A personal trainer will begin designing a routine for you by assessing your fitness level, physical abilities and talking about your fitness goals. If your goal is to build muscle, then the trainer will concentrate your workouts around lifting weights. They can decide which lifting methods are best for your needs, demonstrate how to use the machines or free weights and design a routine to follow.

Along with one-on-one sessions, some NYC personal trainers also teach classes, so your trainer may have you doing yoga, Pilates or aerobics to meet your fitness goals. Yoga and Pilates help tone muscles and increase strength without jarring the body like other exercises do. For older people, clients with joint problems and women who don’t like lifting weights, these classes may be better for them.

Nutritional Changes

Many personal trainers are trained in nutrition, so they can give clients advise about cutting calories or changing their diets to help them achieve their goals. For those wanting to pack on muscle, they may need to increase their protein intake, so, as part of their NYC personal training, some clients will be taught what and how much to eat to benefit their training and accomplish their goals. A personal trainer may also recommend supplements, such as protein powders, to provide the extra nutrients the body needs.

Keep You Motivated

To achieve your fitness goals, it is important you stay motivated, which a NYC personal trainer can do for you. They can provide encouragement by showing you the progress you’ve made, switch up your routine on a regular basis so you don’t get bored and they can provide inspiration by having you meet clients who have achieved the same goals you have, while helping you keep your New Year’s resolutions.

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