Nutritionists Simply Know Nutrition

by glenn on February 7, 2012

In the most basic sense of the it, food is fuel your body machine. People who live and work in as frenetic a place as New York City need to give their bodies the cleanest fuel just keep up with the pace of the day. That’s not easy for the active professional who is on the run, going from meeting to meeting all day from morning to night. They know that a protein bar and a can of Red Bull is not a complete meal, but often it’s what’s most convenient. However,  reaching for convenient foods rather than healthier options could lead you down a dark nutritional path.  If this sounds familiar then it’s time to seek the services of a New York City nutritionist.


Busy people face many challenges to keeping their energy up.  Everyday they are faced with the demands of a hectic schedule.  A nutritionist understands that.  Nutritionists are experts in the nutritional science. At a minimum, a nutritionist should be certified by an independent fitness agency.  However, you will find many holding a bachelor’s degree in nutrition or a related subject.  Almost all of them have taken courses in biology, mathematics, statistics, psychology and sociology.  Nutritionists are trained to know which foods or groups of foods/ingredients are healthy and which are not. They can create a healthy eating plan for various fitness and wellness goals.  They can range from helping people lose weight, train for grueling sports competitions or help in the fight against diseases like cancer.  They can even help design a diet for those who need to eat a nut-free or gluten-free diet.


Nutritionists are versed in which combination of foods are best for your body type and needs. They create menus that help people lose weight, train for grueling sports competitions or help in the fight against diseases like cancer. They can help you plan out meals and snacks to keep you satiated all day.  A proper diet lays a strong foundation for preventing diseases and other chronic health problems.


Nutritionists should be advocating good health through healthy eating of whole foods.  If the nutritionist is pushing you towards vitamin pills and other supplements over diets rich in fruits, vegetables, or lean cuts of meat and fish, that should be a good indicator that alternative motives may be in place.  A committed nutritionist knows that good health comes from good food choices.


The best way to find a Nutritionist Manhattan is through a referral, either through a Manhattan personal trainer or a friend or colleague who has used the nutritionist’s services successfully in the past or through a physician or medical professional. People looking for ways to become more fit may also find a Manhattan Nutritionist through a health club or gym recommendation.



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