A Website, A Business Card, A Shirt, & A Personal Trainer

November 18, 2011

This isn’t another joke about a man walking into a bar.  In fact, it isn’t a joke at all.  This is simply about a personal trainer marketing their services to the local community.  In New York City, you can combine a more personal, grass roots method with the technology of today.  Here are three basic […]

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Don’t Just Throw Away Your Money on An Unused Gym Membership

October 29, 2011

The smallest deed is greater than the best intentions.  You can say about a lot of things.  As it relates to fitness and as a former membership consultant for a new York City gym chain, I am astounded at the number of people who join the gym, but go as infrequently as one might visit […]

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Exercises For a Rainy Day

October 19, 2011

The old man may be snoring on a rainy day, but you don’t want to do it, as well.  You want to hit the gym and get your blood flowing and elevate your heart rate.  Unfortunately, with the awful weather outside, you can’t make it to the gym.  Do you have a plan for this […]

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Roughing Out an Injury Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

October 10, 2011

If you have ever exercised when you should have taken a break because of an injury, then you should read this.  Many people want to tough out an injury rather than take a break and let it heal.  This is counter-intuitive to one’s long term health.  To keep an injury to yourself and hide it […]

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NYC Personal Trainers Need Three Things For Success

October 9, 2011

There are lots of different characteristics that make a great personal trainer.  A great personal trainer for one person, may not be the right source of motivation for another.  Taking both sides of the relationship into account, there are three primary points of being a successful personal trainer. A fitness trainer’s most obvious attribute is […]

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When Injury Occurs, Embrace The Rest

September 29, 2011

Injuries happen.  Sometimes it is because we didn’t listen to the earlier signs our body was sending us to slow down.  Maybe you’ve trudged through the last few workouts, not feeling as good as you usually do.  Maybe you weren’t sleeping as well.  Whatever it was, you didn’t listen and now you body has sent […]

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Is A Fitness Community Website Right For Your Marketing Budget

September 21, 2011

Marketing is about making others aware of your business.  Marketing creates opportunities, but is not an immediate guarantee that new business will come.   Website marketing is just one form of marketing that a personal trainer can do.  I personally recommend a combination of marketing strategies.  Rightfully so, you have to be concerned with the cost of […]

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Exercise Reduces Stress, Even Financial Stress

August 20, 2011

When the possibility of losing your job creeps into your thoughts, it is time to review your expenses.  Inevitably, some people look at their gym memberships or personal training sessions as an easy way to reduce spending while enduring the economic doldrums gripping our society.  Farcically, people tell themselves they will do it at home […]

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Don’t Let the Economy Weaken Your Training Business

August 19, 2011

When making it through tough economic times, it is important to not lose sight of the intense passion that drove you to start your personal training career.  Do everything possible to maintain a strong relationship with your current clients, be creative with your latest promotions to hold a prospects interest, and never stop looking for […]

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Can Your Personal Trainer Sap Your Motivation?

August 10, 2011

It is an exciting decision to embark on a program with a personal trainer.  It is also a big investment physically, mentally, and fiscally.  Sadly, your personal trainer may not look at the relationship from the same perspective. The trainer’s lack of simple professional conduct can have a serious effect on your enthusiasm, progress, and […]

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