What You Should Know About Snacking and Training

by glenn on January 26, 2014

When it is time to get fit, Manhattan personal training helps you in more ways than one.  Of course with physical fitness,  a number of lifestyle changes must be made, which includes a change in the foods that you are eating. While it is true that you will need to take away many foods, taking away everything that you love is wrong.

You can still workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy snack time. And, an occasional ‘treat’ never hurt anyone. The key is to maintain consistency and to choose the right proportions and the right snacks.

Fruits are one of the best snacks that you can choose. They help with those sweet tooth cravings and are very satisfying. They’re also loaded with vitamins and minerals, and add water so that you are fuller faster, thus eating less. Fruits such as apples, bananas, kiwi and pomegranate are among the best choices. Popcorn is another excellent choice, though you will need to avoid the sale and butter. String cheese, Greek Yogurt and cream cheese are also favorites. The healthy, and tasty, options are endless and there is something for all tastes.

Remember that you must snack in moderation, with no more than two per day. The snacks should be spaced out and eaten to curb cravings in between meals when you may not feel satisfied.

Your Manhattan personal training professional can help you pick and choose the right snacks to maintain your good health, and even those to honor those occasional treats that everyone deserves.


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